Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brown Rice Can Prevents Diabetes

Incorporate the rice and other grains to the diet is a good idea because these foods appear to reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes, according to a recent study concluded.

Incorporate the rice and other grains to the diet is a good idea because these foods appear to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, new research found.

The study by Qi Sun, School of Public Health, Harvard (USA) found that replacing the rice for white rice, if only a bit per week down the chances of this metabolic disease. The findings were published in Archives of Internal Medicine.


Type 2 diabetes represents, according to World Health Organization, 90% of diagnosed diabetes worldwide. Its incidence increased much in recent decades and is considered an epidemic. This pathology is strongly associated with sedentary lifestyles and obesity, and is often triggered in adulthood. However, today has begun to be detected in young children.

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